Colours sámi translation

Dovddus jiena
Mun gulan čuorvumen
Ja ii ge goassege Játta šat
Addá fámu
Ja addá jáhku munnje
Ja ahte visot šaddá buorre fas

Čuoddi ivnni
Rájiid baddjel mannet
Čohkke olbmuid birra máilmmi
Adda fámu
Ja addá ráhkisvuodda
Dego dolla jigᶇon duoddaris

A familiar voice.
I hear shouting
and it won’t go away
It gives me power
Gives me faith
And everything is going to go well

hundreds of colours
Collect the colors
They go beyond all boundaries
Gather people from all over the world
They provide power
And give love
Like the fire, the snow melts on the ridge. 

 Ja min luddin  – and our joik