Easter with Alexandra

Did you have special Easter traditions in your family?
– We always go Easter egg hunting outside, either outside our home or other places we might celebrate Easter. We don’t have any other special traditions, but it’s important for us to celebrate with our family.
Did you have special Easter dinners in your family where specific dishes were served every year?
– No, it changes every year. But if the weather is nice, we always have a barbeque.
Are there special meals you eat for Easter now as adults as your tradition?
– No, maybe I should create one!
Tell us about a few of your best Easter memories from your childhood?
– I still remember Easter egg hunting with my siblings as one of the funniest happenings. But also that the entire family is gathered.

Did you go on Easter vacations or were you at home with family?
– It changes every year. But we own a camping wagon (caravan), and we usually celebrate there.
Are there any of the childhood Easter traditions that you have brought into your adult life?
– I still love Easter eggs!
What does Easter, in general, mean to you?
– Sunshine, family and vacation.