Hello VolKEiiNO,
As something new in 2022, KEiiNO NEWS is starting up with a newsletter about what went on in KEIiNO world in the month that passed. Sometimes KEiiNO is like disappeared from the surface of the Earth, then we won’t be able to bring much news there, and other times they are so hectic busy that the newsletter will be more filled. We will also bring news from the Official Fan Group which you can find on Facebook, Instagram and also Discord.
We aim to provide you with as much as possible from the month that passed and if you feel you have something to contribute with, in the newsletter, such a short report of having been to a concert or met them during a stroll down the street or met them at the airport etc, please don’t feel shy to contact us and tell your story.
The newsletter is published at the end of the month and will go out as an e-mail but will also be published in a newsletter archive on this website.
Please fill in this form if you would like to sign up for our newsletter.