Alta got lots of praise during the best airtime
Published August 7th 2019, by Dennis Bjerring, Altaposten. Translated to English by Karina Brandt / KEiiNO Fangroup Official
— You know you’ve grown old when someone says their mother loves me.

NRK’s Summeropen on Alta Beach Camping was great PR for the city and Finnmark. Amongst the guests, Tuesday was the band KEiiNO and Trine Lise Olsen. Alexandra Rotan from the MGP-band warmed up both attending audience and TV viewers with her warm words about cold Alta.
Started in Alta
— It was here we got to see we had an audience and grew self-confidence. We got a taste for more from being here, she said.
Rotan can tell about some nice experiences from the Northerlights city.
— I have grown a really nice relationship with Alta and it was here I got to see the Northern lights for the first time, sitting on a sleigh with rein and I really enjoy being back, she says.
Fred Buljo praises the audience which has done a really great job of wishing Rotan and Tom Hugo Hermansen welcome to Finnmark.
— The audience has received both Rotan and Hermansen in Finnmark really well and they feel well at home here.
Rotan can tell that the unity in KEiiNO is a strong one.
— We are really well together. The boys are my best friends just now and see them more often than I see my own family.
Nice to be back
In known style, Finnmark’s own Trine Lise Olsen foolish comments when the program manager Christer Johnsgård told that his mother loved her, which made the audience laugh aloud.
— You know you have grown old when someone tells you their mother loves me.
Olsen is happy to be back in Finnmark again.
— When I was little I just wanted to go away, but it is really nice to be back again. It is nice to be home in Finnmark but traveling around Norway and do some of what you love the most, is luxury, Trine Lise, who went on to high school in Alta and was Alta-student during her youth.
The camping games
The evening’s show was rounded off with a funny competition between the represents from Alta IF and BUL live on national TV.
— It is a little funny to be in front of the camera but it’s okay. The important thing is to focus on winning over BUL and I think we have extremely good chances to break them, says Jonas Bjørkli (Alta IF).
Jørund Greibrokk (BUL) went straight on before the competition when he described Alta IF’s representatives.
— I believe in may ways that Alta IF is without a chance. We have a really solid team with many strengths so I’m really looking forward to crushing Alta IF.
Vårin Olsen (Alta If) regards the competition less solemn and tries to point that the important thing is to have fun, but is interrupted by May Liss Ordemann Olsen.
— Of course we have to win!
In the informal competition Tuesday, the assignment was to get most bales into the net, and here Alta IF left first round of the duel with the position 19-16. Wednesday evening it’s the memory which is put to test when the two teams are dueling again.