— I have slept well and am ready
Fred Buljo and KEiiNO have conquered the favourite stamp
Published March 2nd, 2019 by Hanne larsen, translated from Norwegian into English by Karina Brandt
Fred René Buljo, Alexandra Rotan and Tom Hugo Hermansen in the group KEiiNO, have right before the Grand prix-circus goes off tonight, overtaken on the inside from the other top favourite, Christ Medina.
— I feel a pressure to deliver, ofcourse, but at the same time it’s incredibly nice to know that you have a wide support in your back, not only from North-Norway and Norway, but from entire Europe. We actually have a whole delegation from the USA who are here to hear us, Buljo tells to the Altapost, Saturday morning.
When the world star Chris Medina was announced as one of the participants of the Melodi Grand Pris, he immediately became one of the top favourites. The day before the finale, KEiiNO has parked the American, tells the betting company, Unibet.
— When the odds were open there were two favourites which were about the same – KEiiNO’s song “Spirit in the sky” and Chris Medina’s, “We try”. Both had odd of around 20% chance of winning. However the odds changed along with the game was positioned and when the bets on Chris Medina didn’t happen, the odds rocketed to the sky. Now the ods are up on 15, which means his winnerchances are down to 6%, Stefen Løvholen, PR in Unibet Norge, explains in a press release and adds.
— The KEiiNO song has sailed up and about as the absolute favourite.
Fred René Buljo from Finnmark, also known as a rapper in the band Duolva Duottar, says to the Altapost that he hasn’t lay sleepless at all the night before the big day.
— I have just woken up and am soon ready to go down to Spektrum. I have slept great and feel really ready, says the jolly Finnmarkboy.
— KEiiNO seems to have hit extremely well with their song choice. The odds of 1,40 means they have almost 70% chance of winning Melodi Grand Prix. The change of odds purely happens because of what people bet on; nearly 80% of all the games we have on Melodi Grand Pris, has been on KEiiNO, says Løvholen in Unibet.
Odds on the winner of Melodi Grand Prix 2019:
KEiiNO: 1,40
Kjetil Mørland: 6,00
Adrian Jørgensen: 7,50
Chris Medina: 15,00
D’Sound: 20,00
Erlend Bratland: 20,00
Hank von Hell: 20,00
Anna-Lisa Kumoji: 25,00
Ingrid Berg Mehus: 25,00
Carina Dahl: 30,00