This is it!
By Rolf EdmundLund, Altaposten May 16th 2019, translated by Karina Brandt
— Five kofte-dressed receives a lot of attention, writes pappa Buljo in this update just before the semifinale.

Day number two in Tel Aviv is planned during the lunch at the beach. On the agenda is own pressconference, only for the nearest family members of KEiiNO.

The night before we have watched a KEiiNO concert to lots of cheers in one of the hottest clubs in Tel Aviv. Here are lots of journalists. And the most of them have done good research and ask sensible questions. It is difficult to describe in words how big this seems to become. We meet the other delegations from other countries, but it seems like its KEiiNO who are in focus wherever we go.

Me alone gives at least five interviews during this hour of the seance. All the members in KEiiNO are present with their families. It gives us a chance to say hello to the others and get acquainted with them. In addition, I meet the choir with, for instance, Marianne Pentha. The NRK-team, with Grand Prix general Stig Karlsen in the lead, come along answers questions and is enthusiastic. A really nice atmosphere.

The security around Tel Aviv Expo is enormous. It took around fifteen minutes to get to the right entrance, after that body searches up to several times. At least their security is in place here. It feels safe. Well into the area, us five kofte-dressed Sámis receive a lot of attention with photos etc.
We are now into the arena. This is it! I will bring you the report later tonight. This is it!
Klemet Anders Buljo