
Useful phrases in Northern Sámi

A collection of useful phrases in Northern Sámi, a Western Sámi language spoken in parts of Norway, Sweden and Finland.

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See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me.

Key to abbreviations: frm = formal, inf = informal, >1p = said to one person, >2p = said to two people. >2+p said to more than two people.

Englishdavvisámegiella (Northern Sámi)
WelcomeBures boahtin
Hello (General greeting)Bures
Bures bures (reply)
How are you?Mo dat manná?
Reply to ‘How are you?’Dat manná bures, giitu
Giitu, manná bures
Long time no seeDat lea guhkes áigi
What’s your name?Mii du namma lea?
My name is …Mu namma lea …
Where are you from?Gos don leat eret?
I’m from …Mun lean … eret
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Buorre iđit
Ipmel atti (reply)
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Buorre beaivvi
Ipmel atti (reply)
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Buorre eahket
Ipmel atti (reply)
Good nightBuorre idjá
(Parting phrases)
Báze dearvan (>1p who is staying)
Báhcci dearvan (>2p who are staying)
Báhcet dearvan (>2+p who are staying)
Mana dearvan (>1p who is leaving)
Manni dearvan (>2p who are leaving)
Mannet dearvan (>2+p who are leaving)
Oaidnaleabmai! (>2+p “see you“)
Good luck!Ollu lihkku
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
Have a nice daySávan buorri beaivvi
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Buorre mátki!
I understandMun ipmirdan
Mun ádden
I don’t understandMun in ádde
Mun in ipmir
I don’t knowIn dieđe
Please speak more slowlyAle hála nu johtilit
Please say that againOkti vel, leage sivvui
Please write it downSámás muinna!
Do you speak English?Hálatgo eaŋgalasgiela?
Do you speak Northern Sámi?Hálatgo (davvi)sámegiella?
Yes, a little
(reply to ‘Do you speak …?’)
Juo, veaháš
Speak to me in Northern SámiSámás muinna!
How do you say … in Northern SámiMii dat lea sámegilli?
Excuse meÁndagassii
How much is this?Man ollu dat máksá?
PleaseLeage buorre
Thank youGiitu
Reply to thank youLeage buorre
Where’s the toilet / bathroom?Gos hivsset lea?
This gentleman will pay for everythingDat bárdni máksá buot ovddas
This lady will pay for everythingDat nieida máksá buot ovddas
Would you like to dance with me?Háledat go dánset?
I miss youOhcalan du
Váillahan du
I love youMun ráhkistan du
Go away!Mana eret!
Leave me alone!Ale vuortnut mu!
Call the police!Ringe politiijai!
Christmas greetingsBuorit Juovllat
New Year greetingsBuore ođđa jahki!
Easter greetingsBeassážat!
Birthday greetingsLihkku beivviin!
One language is never enoughOkta giella ii leat goassege doarvái
My hovercraft is full of eelsMu áibmofatnasis lea dievva ággarasaid

Phrases provided by Irena Dahl

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Northern Sámi | Phrases | Numbers | Tower of Babel


Other collections of Northern Sámi phrasesşterse/Fraze_uzuale_în_diferite_limbi#Lapon.C4.83_.28uralic.C4.83.29