Tag: Monument

The Born Christmas Star

The born Christmas Star

As Alexandra Rotan embarks on her first solo Christmas tour, her biggest Christmas wish is about to come true. Her childhood dream has become reality – and with her on the journey she has her great love, Markus.
ALEXANDRA ROTAN (28): singer in KEiiNO, solo artist and TV presenter. Currently on her first solo tour, “Alexandra’s Christmas”, in the run-up to Christmas. Lives in Oslo, where she shares a home with guitarist Markus Maaren Bastøe (30).
Photo spread (page 18): A home for Christmas: Alexandra and her musician boyfriend Markus moved into their first shared apartment in central Oslo during Advent last year. Blue sequin dress from Iben NOK 3499 – £245/$307/295 EUR).
Alexandra Rotan has the kind of smile that automatically lifts the mood in the room. It’s not a fake smile for the camera, but a spontaneous expression of the joy of life, making her curls dance cheerfully over her shoulders. Yes, like the very definition of “jolly”, for lack of a better word.
And it is with this smile that she energetically meets us at the door of her new home in Oslo. The place she and her boyfriend Markus Maaren Bastøe moved into during Advent last year. – where this year she is looking forward to creating new Christmas traditions.
“I have already started planning the small gifts that Markus and I will give each other in a joint Christmas calendar. It is not materialistically motivated, but preferably a compliment on a note or something else that shows that we appreciate each other. It is about what you want your person to wake up to in the run-up to Christmas”, smiles Alexandra, and puts down a coffee cup with powder pink lipstick marks.

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MGP group takes over queer nightclub: “There will be a good atmosphere all evening”

The musician promises a good atmosphere all evening when the music group takes over the city’s queer nightclub.
“I think it will be a lot of fun!
This is what Tom Hugo Hermansen says to KRS. The Kristiansander, who is part of the music group, KEiiNO, is ready to take on two quite different stages this weekend.
First, KEiiNo will play a concert at Kilden with the Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra in connection with “Barnas Superkildendag” on Saturday. Then they will move on to the Barrikaden nightclub in the evening.
“We think it’s very funny that a queer nightclub has been established in Kristiansand. Since we are in town this weekend, I contacted Skeive Sørlandsdagar and wondered if they were interested in making a kick-off party, says Hermansen before continuing:
“And they thought it was a good idea! So its a bit last minute, but it will be a nice evening.

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Under another naughty moon
I’m just another naughty girl
Who wants to play with fire
I feel you beating in my chest
Together we will get no rest
You wanna play with fire?

All I wanna do
All I want is you
You have to spell it out for me
D – I – S – C – O
D – I – S – C – O
D – I – S – C – O

I see the blinding neon lights
I promise we can break the night
You wanna play with fire?
Give me another naughty girl
Together we can rule the world
And we can play with fire

All I wanna do
All I want is you
You have to spell it out for me
D – I – S – C – O
D – I – S – C – O
D – I – S – C – O


We just wanna go
D – I – S – C – O

All I want is you
All I want is you

All I wanna do
All I want is you
You have to spell it out for me
D – I – S – C – O

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Hero, Baby

Hero, baby
La la la la la
la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la
la la la la
La la la la la

I’m scared of monsters who are hungry in the night
Young evil sailors, zombie ravers want a bite

When the light is falling
And the night is dark for all
I need a hero, want a hero
Who can guide me through the night

La la la la la la
I need a
I need a hero, baby
La la la la la la
I need a
I need a hero, baby
La la la la la la
I need a
I need a hero, baby
Can’t see the light, it feels so right
I need a hero, baby

Da Da Dearpa
Isen den slår sprækka
Når flamman står i taket e vi først i rekka
Ah, ah, superpow
Dugge tungt på ruta
Fyre ut av natta med et Damdam

La la la la la la
I need a
I need a hero, baby
La la la la la la
I need a
I need a hero, baby

When the night is dark and cold
Will you hear me when I call
I need a hero, want a hero
Who can save me when I fall

La la la la la la
I need a
I need a hero, baby
La la la la la la
I need a
I need a hero, baby
La la la la la la
I need a
I need a hero, baby
Can’t see the light, it feels so right
I need a hero, baby

All the monsters here
They can’t see your fear
Cause a hero won’t back down
All the monsters here
They can’t see your fear
La la la la la la
I need a
I need a hero, baby

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Fade Out

They will teach you how to be a girl
About Jesus and how sinners burn
They own half your lovin’ city
Wanna fade out
I just fade out

Fade out now
Fade out now

They tell lies about a Nordic race
It’s just politics to kill all gays
When free speech is cutting of my head
Wanna fade out
I just fade out

Fade out now
Fade out again

Tell me: Who needs police
That let nazis walk our streets
I’m so angry
I can’t sleep
I’m so angry
But I fade out

Fade out now
Fade out again

Fade out again
fade out again

Fade out again

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Adult fandom Dwayne Wyrwas

My name is Dwayne Wyrwas, and I am 53 years young. I am Canadian living in Toronto, Canada. Toronto is Canada’s largest most diverse city in the heart of the country. I was born and grew up in a small city called Sudbury, 4 hours north of Toronto, which is in Northern Ontario.  I work in the healthcare field as a Regional Director with a company that owns and operates Long Term Care Homes for seniors (Nursing Homes). I am married to my husband of 13 years, Luis Malave Loaiza, who is originally from Caracas, Venezuela.

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Chastises the Eurovision jury system: − Unfashionable

Chastises the Eurovision jury system: − Unfashionable

In 2019, the Norwegian ESC finalists experienced the same thing as Finland’s Käärijä did on Sunday night: Won the people, but not the competition. Now they hope for change.

By Thomas Talseth, VG.no May 14th, 2023
Translated by Karina Brandt, May 15th 2023, KEiiNO NEWS

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Når himmelen faller ned

Det snør himmelsk korrekturlakk
Over feilstavet sommer
Og hør bylarmen forsvinner
Under dalende flommer
Vi har hørt at ingen snøfnugg er like
Og sånne under kan en tenke på en stund
Jeg lener hodet helt tilbake
Og får et iskyss på min munn
Og får et iskyss
Det snør stumme stjernesøstre
Fra usynlige munner
Og ør av angrepet fra myldrende lydløse sekunder
I dag inntas jorden av en himmelsk hær
Uten våpen tvinges hele byen i kne
Alt går litt langsommere her på jorden
Når hele himmelen faller ned
Når hele himmelen faller ned
Takk for den unyttige snø
Til bry og til besvær
Nå inntas jorden av en himmelsk hær
Uten bomber og granater
Tvinges hele byen i kne
Alt går litt langsommere her på jorden
Når hele himmelen faller ned
Når hele himmelen faller ned
Hele himmelen
Når hele himmelen faller
Når hele himmelen faller ned
Alt går litt langsommere her på jorden
Når hele himmelen faller ned

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Song review: “Alt for Norge” – finally in a new version

Football songs that are made solely to be there, tend to be a bit small, full of bragging and nationalistically charged words.

For someone who for 28 years has had a strained relationship with the football song “Alt for Norge”, first and foremost due to Jørn Lande’s affected and pompous “heavy ballad vocals” full of emotion, it is liberating to hear the new version with Alexandra Rotan, from Keiino, as a vocalist.

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