Amazing MGP performance
Saturday the 20th arrived, the nerves were on the outside since the morning, and the day was VERY long.
Evening arrived and finally, KEiiNO on stage….
They made an absolutely amazing performance, Alexandra nailed her high note with perfection, and the entire staging and setup and their fantastic new white and silver outfits were so perfect. The happiness that radiated from their faces, their smiles, their energy… it was heartwarming and overwhelming and a true joy to wittness.
But oh so nervewrecking when the voting began, phew. I think all of us KEiiNO fans agrees that our hearts either nearly stopped or beat more than what could be healthy, as we sat waiting to hear if they made it to the final or not.
Tom, Alexandra and Fred delivered two amazing performances, you guys made us all so proud to be your fans. Norway chose Tix – but in our hearts YOU are the winners, and a second place out of 12 is pretty darn great too.